DDW Ronin 3DP

DDW Ronin 3D Printer (Hictop 3DP-12)
Required Items

This printer is very stiff, fairly accurate, and has little to no play. However, there is a flaw in this style of 3D printer. With the increasing weight on the Y axis, there will be more ringing artifacts on the print. You can avoid ringing artifacts by printing slower on the skin, 15mm/s or less for this printer, but when the print gets heavier, the ringing artifacts may be more visible.

Print Settings
Layer Height: 0.2mm
Infill Density: 75%
Materials: ABS
Nozzle Temp: 250°C
Bed Temp: 110°C
Bed Adhesion: Glue Sticks
Enclosure: 60°C
Adjust the Flow Rate on some parts for a perfect fitment.



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